Our Mission
To meet the changing health care needs of our community with compassion, creativity, and innovation, regardless of the ability to pay.
Marjorie Garrod MS, PhD, Chair
Eula Johnson, Vice-Chair
Carol Curry, Secretary
Katie Anderson, Treasurer
Mark Soloman
Lauren Rojas
Craig Herron
Any resident of Lassen County, especially patients of Northeastern, interested in serving on the Board of Directors for Northeastern Rural Health Clinics may complete an application for board membership. If you would instead like to join a Board Meeting as a speaker for the Public, please fill out and return the Public Comment Speaker Participation Form below to Northeastern for consideration.
Applications may be picked up in the administration office of Northeastern located at 1850 Spring Ridge Dr., Susanville, CA 96130, or you may print one by clicking on the link below. Completed applications may be turned in to the administration office of Northeastern during normal clinic hours.
Please refer to the Events Calendar for future Board Meeting dates and times.